Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Wai" Not?

Like most Asian countries, the Thai culture places a great amount of importance on showing respect. Obedience towards elders and figures of authority is expected, and questioning such people is considered a big "no-no". (Looks like the Red Shirt protestors currently trying to stage a coup d'etat didn't really get the memo on that one, eh?)

One of the most common signs of respect is the wai, formed by putting one's hands together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly to the person you are addressing. Explained by the all-knowing to have originated from an ancient warrior greeting, the wai has now evolved into something that serves up slightly awkward interactions throughout my daily life. I'll give you a recent, completely fictional scenario to illustrate my point:

Let's say, hypothetically, that you're buying a snack at the 7-Eleven down the street from your apartment. (Yes, the 7-Eleven. It is estimated that Thailand is home to at least 4,000 franchises of everyone's favorite "Slurpee" spot -- that's more than half the number in the entire USA. Just a little fun fact for you to impress people with...Or not.) Anyway, you've finally reached the front of an endless line, and there are tons of anxious customers behind you. (Like the walking pace, I've discovered that inexplicably slow-moving lines are a common theme here too.) You've got your iPod on blast so you don't have to listen to the Thai pop tunes booming from the store's speaker system, and are trying to figure out a way to balance three bags of random crap (the curse of the "7-Eleven snack run") while still having control of said iPod (no pockets because it's too effing hot to wear anything but a dress). Now add to that fun mix an attempt to stuff the handful of coins you got as change into your wallet, and you've got yourself a full-blown coordination catastrophe. But wait- there's more. The guy behind the counter has just wai-ed you as thanks for patronizing his 7-Eleven instead of the one located directly across the street. You don't want to be rude, but you honestly are not sure if you are physically capable of returning this graceful gesture.

"You've got to give it a try!" your cultural conscience tells you.

"Hurry up, dumb-ass!" screams everyone behind you in line. (Of course your Thai isn't yet good enough to pick up dirty insults- ignorance really can be bliss sometimes.)

Finally, determination to show respect for the Thai culture takes over, and you raise both hands to the prayer-like gesture. Because the man behind the counter is older, you remember to put your hands a little higher on your face to show respect for the age difference between you. You shut your eyes for a millisecond, bow your head every-so-slightly, and when you look up -- gone. The dude is gone! After a quick scan you realize that he's moving to the other end of the counter, looking for the bottle of vodka that the impatient man behind you is asking for.

All I have to say is WAAAIIIIII???!!!

Well, at least I (I mean, the person in this completely fiction-based scenario) tried to show some respect for an ancient cultural tradition. Whatever. Good karma.

Even good old Ronald McDonald does the wai.

For further research into the ancient art of wai-ing, I have included this entertaining and informative class project made by Thai students that I found on youtube. It will give you all the tips you need to know about the appropriate way to wai... and then some. Umm. Yeah.


  1. Thanks for your illuminating as always description of a major detail of Thai culture. I have been practicing the various forms of wai and am curious which is appropriate for a red shirted protestor to use after he has given a pint of blood to be later poured onto the floor of Parliament in protest (at least that is the news we are getting in the entirely fictional town of Los Angeles).

  2. Also, I am sure you are interested to know that March Madness has officially begun and the NCAA bracket is out. UCSB made it in to the final 64, and the gauchos are scheduled to play Ohio State in Milwaukee on Friday -- but you probably knew that and are planning to zip down to your local 7-Eleven with a wai-ing Ronald McDonald to watch the game on Thai-Tube. Or maybe you are sneaking back in to the US to catch the game live. If you are passing through LA on the way to Milwaukee, please let us know.

  3. haha choco! reading your hilarious blogs are the best part of my day! i only wish i was there to see your hypothetical story go down! sooooo c'mon pudding, you have us all on the edge of our seats, whats the dramatic conclusion to the red shirt fiasco???

    p.s. that video was amazing. i can't believe it got snubbed by the oscars this year
