Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Lot of Smoke, No Fire

I'm sure you all subscribe to the Bangkok Post's daily newsletter, but just in case you haven't renewed your subscription, I'm going to give you a little crash course in current Thai politics. Don't worry, it'll be quick and painless, and then I'll go right back to the usual ramblings about meat on a stick. Ready? Here we go:

  • The Name: Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister of Thailand (2001-2006)

  • The Game: Corruption of power

  • The Teams: The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (supporters of Thaksin, also known as the "Red Shirts" because of their chosen clothing symbol) vs. the People's Alliance for Democracy (those who are anti-Thaksin, also known as the "Yellow Shirts" after their symbolic clothing article)

  • What the heck is going on: On Friday, February 26th, the Thai Supreme Court ruled that former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was guilty of using his political power to advance his business aspirations and fill his wallet. Prior to becoming Prime Minister in 2001, Thaksin was a pretty big hot-shot in the business world. Founder of ShinCorp, one of Thailand's largest telecommunications conglomerates, Mr. Shinawatra was already livin the high life when he assumed office. However, while in office, it seems that the dude got a little big for his britches and made some shady deals that ended up greatly benefiting him. It also so happens that these deals had some bad repercussions for the Thai economy, one of the reasons he was ousted in a bloodless coup in 2006.

  • SEX, VIOLENCE, AND EXPLOSIONS: Or, at least, two out of the three. Just thought that might be a catchy way to keep you reading. By the way, if you are still following this, give yourself a pat on the back. Anyway, apparently Friday's ruling has been like a looming armageddon among Thai citizens for quite some time. As Thaksin-supporting "Red Shirts" were very angry about the fact that he was even on trial, citing corruption at all levels of politics, it was expected that a guilty ruling would produce mass chaos and end-of-the-world scenarios. International newspaper headlines were calling February 26th "D-Day" for the Thai political scene. The world was ending, and I was about to land in the middle of it.

  • Here's why I love Thailand: Sure, a couple of home-made firework bombs were thrown onto the sidewalk at empty parts of town Friday night. Whoop-dee-doo. However, while reading a popular Thai newspaper the day after the ruling, here is what the official call to action was from the "Red Shirt" camp. Are you ready for it? It's pretty intense:

"We must light incense and burn candles in protest."

Yup. That's it. All that talk of doom and gloom, when all we had to worry about was some fragrant smoke wafting through the balmy Bangkok air.

Can we all convert to Buddhism? Like, now?


I mean, honestly, we were afraid of people who supported this guy? He is so precious, I really just want to pinch his little cheeks.


  1. This Blog is PERFECT in that I get to follow you and I get to avoid doing my actual work.

    Keep writing!!


  2. Ohhh Thaksin Shinawatra... when will he ever learn?

  3. maybe that's who your thai boy toy is!!!
    p.s. another very educational blog. this teaching thing is really coming naturally to you!

  4. will he ever learn indeed...I am concerned that you are not taking your local politics seriously -- and very very concerned that you are already so fluent in written Thai that you can read their media. Or perhaps you are reading an English version??? Written by whom, and do we trust her? I will be forwarding your blog to Mr. Timberlake who might have something to say about your wanting to pinch one of the world leader's cheeks. Thanks so much for your insight, as the incense rebellion did not make it into the Daily Breeze.

  5. Oh, and check out this video...because this too shall pass...
