Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How 'Bout Them Red Shirts?

As we come to the end of an eventful week for Thai politics, I've gotta hand it to them- the Red Shirts officially take the cake for most bizarre demonstration tactic in recent history. And it went a little somethin' like this:

8:30 am, Tuesday morning. The leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (aka the UDD, aka the "Red Shirts") got out their needles and their 5-liter bottles for the world's most unorthodox blood drive. Quick note: If you haven't had time to read the news or my last blogs, the Red Shirts are currently laying a non-violent seige on the city of Bangkok, in protest of Prime Minister Abhisit and his administration. So yeah. Back to this blood drive. The Red Shirt party spent 8 hours on Tuesday collecting a total of 300 liters of blood from its supporters. At 4:30 they closed up shop and proceeded to carry the blood in -- get this -- "twelve 5-liter bottles, fifty syringes, and two large buckets" to the Government House. After reciting some "spells and incantations", a barefoot Jatuporn Prompan (one of the UDD's head honcho's) splashed the blood on the ground and gates at the front of the government headquarters. About twenty minutes later, a bunch of dudes in hazmat suits and masks get out their mops and start scrubbin' away at the blood. And that's all, folks.

I know. I'm confused too. But you've gotta give them some credit - the Red Shirts certainly got our attention with this one. And it didn't stop there. Yesterday 65,000 red-clad supporters rode through the streets of Bangkok, crowded onto the back of pick-up trucks, garbage trucks, and anything else that had wheels. Here's some firsthand footage from a street near my apartment building:

Actually looks pretty fun, doesn't it? Plus they're all getting paid to protest- not a bad way to spend a Saturday. And it looks like they may be getting somewhere. Prime Minister Abhisit announced this morning that he will send members of his administration to engage in discussion with UDD (Red Shirt) leaders. Change could definitely be on this country's political horizon. And all it took were a some pick-up trucks and red t-shirts. Oh yeah- and a few thousand cc's of blood.



  1. Of course you must be realizing the similarities once again between Bangkok and Los Angeles. I mean whence the origin of the gang name "Bloods?" Was it perhaps its own spell and incantation derived response to an inappropriate government? The only difference, of course, is that Blood blood is usually not collected in 5 litre bottles, nor is it cleaned up by hazmat wearing supernumeraries. Usually it just ends up in weedy back alleys licked by stray cats.

    Meanwhile, all the mothers I know are glad you are safe and taking pictures and not hanging off the back of pick up trucks waving red flags -- even though you might enjoy the red sneakers and the pay check.

    Speaking of which, do you have enough money? And do you still want me to come for a visit? Cause I need a vacation, but I don't want to bother you.

  2. Hey C,

    I am reading your blog also! You are a good writer! Have you started teaching your class yet? If not, you can always throw on your old Hazmat suit and get busy scrubbing bodily fluids off the Government House. Just like you've always dreamed.

    Dani and I are obsessed with this one Thai restaurant in Gilbert. Do they put peanut sauce on everything there like they do here?

    Those redshirts are crazy. They remind me of that time mom farted and her skirt blew up. Don't ask.

    If you see any Muay Thai kickboxing going on take a picture, I want to see.

    The House finally passed the health care bill last night so that's pretty big news back home. I can get my own plan now if I need to.

    Love you! Stay safe!


  3. Quentin is threatening to start his own blog: A Blonde in Arizona. Catchy, hunh?
    Re Health Care Bill: even Maureen Dowd, the ever acerbic columnist for the NY Times is admiring the strength of the Democrats in standing up to the Republican bullies. But I went to a Harvard Medical School thing last night and witnessed some of the best medical minds in the world talking about some of the toughest diseases, saying "the only thing we know works is diet and exercise." I think those things are free. Stay out of McDonald's and take a walk. By the way, the dean of the Harvard Medical School could use more spinach and some time on the treadmill himself.

    And we talked about a burger tax...I would definitely vote for that. And maybe we could get people to slim down by doing what we did with cigarettes: no eating in restaurants.

  4. and could we get over the same old mom jokes? can't we just move on?

  5. Hi C,

    Sorry...but I love the Mom jokes almost as much as reading about your adventure in Thailand, so keep them coming! Being there sounds like an amazing cultural experience.... and great food! Lots of love from Liz.
