Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Apparently L.A. isn't the only city with Traffic...

Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm Alive!

Yup, I somehow survived the 28 hours of travel through a zillion different time zones and have made it to good ol' Bangkok. However, as usual with any international travel, I must bring up a few different mysteries that have come up during my journey thus far:

Mystery #1: Because of the 15-hour time difference, I somehow completely missed out on the experience of Thursday, February 25th, 2010. My flight left Los Angeles on Wednesday the 24th at 10:45 pm, and arrived in Bangkok on Friday the 26th. Here's my question: what does this mean for me?! Imagine if I was to be involved in a police interrogation asking where I was Thursday the 25th, I would have absolutely no aliby! I honestly HAVE NO CLUE where I was Thursday the 25th. Just think about it. Weird.

Mystery #2: During my four-hour layover in the Taipei airport, I noticed one curious thing- there is a red "PUSH IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" button in every toilet stall. Now, I just want to know, what would qualify as a serious toilet-related emergency? And why the heck would they put that button right next to the one that actually flushes the toilet? Thank God it was marked in English, otherwise I was only a few inches away from summoning some poor airport employee to come help me wipe my butt! Sorry for the graphic nature of that last sentence...

Mystery #3: Where the hell is my black duffle bag?!?!?! Apparently there is no record of this extra bag, which holds every book I will need for my course, as well as every type of medication that I could possibly need while oer here, EVER even being put aboard a plane. Honestly, where could it be? And if it's stolen, who the hell would waste their time stealing English grammar books and anti-malaria pills?

So, those are my top three mysteries so far. Other things that may become a problem include:

-The fact that there is never any clear indicator of when you're safe to cross the street. During my walk around the city today, I just put my head down and booked it across all major intersections, praying to Buddha that I wouldn't get hit.
-The availability of tantalizing food at every street corner. I think I gained 20 pounds from just looking at the random sticks of deliciousness simmering on grills everywere.
-The view from my hostel room. (see photo attached)

To those who have taken the time to read this entry: I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! You are so speical to me and I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you.

Chok dee from Bangkok,



  1. You were on a airplane on thursday the 25th. and you have a flight crew and passengers as alibis. that solves that one. And there are a lot of emergencies that happen in a toilet, count yourself blessed that you don't know any of them. #2 solved. And there is a huge black market for antimaleria drugs. That bag was worth alot. not to mention being owned by you which ups the value. Mysteries averted. Your welcome!

  2. I dont know who evfrosyne is. but this is J.R.

  3. HAHA The view from your hostel is breathtaking! Also Rudi wants to know if you want him to send you hydro-codone?

  4. JR- I suppose you think it's funny that I'm going to contract malaria. I see now what kind of a friend you are.

    Al- Tell Rudi that I'm all set for now, but to check back once I start getting into harder drugs (I heard they're a pretty big deal in the Red Light District over here...)

  5. Char!!! Miss your face already. THe view from hostel is worth every baht. Regarding the mystery of the missing trash cans- japan was like that too. I had to carry random pieces of trash with me at all times until i could locate a golden (but scarce) trash can. I am so excited you are starting your new adventure, and I'm def gonna keep up with your blog :) PS the stalker, scraper, and chopper have been looking for you at work. I had to take a hit for you on Friday night- the scrapper got me with beans- i mean it was so bad the beans actually splashed all over me and seeped through my 2 shirts and into my skin. I'm scared. Oh by the way I was breaker that night FML. Thought you'd enjoy that little anecdote from Hell. And from now on you can refer to me as $teph, I use the $ as my S, I came up with that all on my own. LOVE YOU take care miss u and stay safe!! cant wait to see u soon :) blog on my friend. - $tephanie
